This is 45 and Single. Again.

This is 45 and Single. Again.

I recently read a blog post titled This is 45 by Emily Mendell. She did a beautiful job describing life in so many ways and inspired me to reflect on my own life. And so my friends, this is 45 and single. Again. 45 and single again is the detour in life that catches...
Waiting for Superman

Waiting for Superman

A friend whose opinion I value recently expressed that he’s tired of girl power stories.  To be honest, I hadn’t noticed that they were prolific. But after he mentioned it, I took a look at my favorite books and movies and saw a definite trend....
Learning to Fly

Learning to Fly

We’ve just finished the holidays, with Christmas trees, parties, gifts and well-wishes for the new year.  All while wars have raged in Syria, South Sudan and other places, including, sometimes, our own homes. When people pray for “Peace on...